MEN ALIVE is the title of Dr. Jim’s book and also the title of his podcast produced with his life-long friend Paul Estabrooks heard internationally on most podcast sites. You can listen to any or all of the Men Alive programs here.
Jim and Paul also teach internationally from their text STANDING STRONG THROUGH THE STORM (SSTS 3rd Edition). They have also produced a webinar video series based on the text. To view SSTS: Standing Strong Through the Storm on YouTube click here.

Go Teach Global (GTG) was established to train trainers, teach teachers and disciple adult educators.” We teach and learn from our Master Adult Educator: Jesus of Nazareth. The founder of GTG is Dr. Jim Cunningham. Dr. Jim is a lifelong learner with a passion – and training – to help adult learners teach adults across cultures. He has written curriculum and conducted seminars for encouraging Christians and training-trainers globally as a Consultant in Adult Education.

Dr. Jim helped compile Standing Strong Through The Storm (SSTS) for Open Doors International (ODI) with his lifelong friend Paul Estabrooks. He produced the SSTS Study Guide and Teacher’s Guide. Jim also gave oversight to the development of a Seminary Course for Bible Colleges while global teaching in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Malaysia, and Indonesia entitled: TOPAD: A Theology of Persecution and Discipleship. His recently published book is titled Men Alive: Conforming to the Image of Jesus Christ.